Mirrors are one of my favorite tools for supporting speech and language skills for children of all ages.

Supporting Language Skills with Babies:
✨ Developing self awareness: when a child sees their own face in a mirror, they start to recognize their own reflection.
✨Tummy Time: using a mirror increases engagement and encourages babies to stay in the position for a longer period of time.
✨Social Skills: imitating facial expressions in the mirror.
✨ Body Part Recognition: identifying and labeling body parts in the mirror.
✨Gross Motor Skills: encourages babies to crawl, roll, sit up, or even stand to get closer to reflection in the mirror.
👉🏼Fun Tip: Try putting a long mirror horizontal against a wall or even a crib! This is so fun for the little ones to explore during mirror play!!

Supporting Language Skills with Older Children:
✨Spatial Concepts: work on spatial concepts by hiding items in front/behind/next to the mirror.
✨Vocabulary: play “I Spy” in the mirror to work on increasing vocabulary.
✨Speech Articulation: practice target speech sounds in a mirror.
✨Social skills: match that feeling game to work on imitating facial expressions and labeling those emotions.
Comment with your favorite activities you do when using a mirror ⬇️⬇️⬇️